Exhibition design & build project for ARV, an exhibition displaying the fieldwork of archaeologist Bjørnar Olsen and Tóra Pétursdóttir in collaboration with UiT - The Arctic University of Norway and the Centre for Advanced Study at Tromsø Museum. Based on their ongoing research project ‘Unruly Heritage’, ARV invites us to rethink our notion of heritage:
“Cultural heritage is associated with old and venerable objects like church ruins, burial mounds, and Viking ships. Our material environment is at the same time distinguished by more troubling remains and marine debris, abandoned herring oil factories, ghost towns, industrial wastelands, greenhouse gases and acid rain. Where do we draw the line between waste and heritage, or between natural or cultural heritage? Does heritage only encompass what we want to preserve? In other words; can we simply disregard the swarm of unruly things and purge heritage of the failed, the ugly and the unpleasant?”
Graphic design & printing - Bjorn Hatteng & Ernst Hogtun
Film & editing - Gry Mortensen
Sound design & mixing - Alexander Rishaug
Creative direction, design & build - Joar Nango & Jonathan Igharas (assisted by Håvard Arnhoff)
Exhibited at Tromsø Museum from March 22 - October 2, 2018.
Tromsø, Norway, 2018.